Monday, December 31, 2012


Whatever you do, whatever you are is all a matter of might think you are surrounded by people, but in your view you might be alone and someone else you might be lonely surrounded by darkness with mere stars for company...for others a candle is a beacon of light, to show the path...but in its own view, the candle is trapped in might think you are full of dreams, to others you might be just another confused guy...

You live in shadows, shadows of what you and everyone else feel about things...the life is trapped in layers of complications...made by a difference of perspective....

Poster colors on photoshop...

Hope you like it :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tree of Life...

The man stands, alone, as life passes he experiences different phases, different shades of this world...he stands firm, deriving energy from his source, converting all darkness into light, no matter what the world around him is...he gives his blood to produce the fruits which are the result of his struggle, which are evidence of the various battles he has won...but are they enough...can the source keep him going...will the fruits decay into nothingness defying the whole purpose of his existence...he has no answers...his life just passes by....

Again, painting with slight photoshop...experimenting with a few filters here :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Let go...

Some random thoughts leading to a random painting...just switched on my lappy, put on a few movies on the playlist and started painting...i just let the brush do the thinking...hence the title...