Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm tired of this world....all the constraints....one's life depends on limitless number of factors, only a few of which are in one's hands....sometimes I wish I had wings so that I could fly away whenever and wherever I want....away from everything...just to be alone....just to have some silence....just to have some peace.... Sometimes I wish that this world should just stop!!!...that everyone should forget everything and live just for the moment...without any bondages...

I have a desire...a desire to break free of all the shackles of this world...a desire to be independent...a desire to have FREEDOM....

I guess a lot of people would have the same feeling....but they are too busy and too bound to do something about it....lets just wish someday I'd be able to do something....

"I thought why wasn't SOMEONE doing something???.....then I realized that I was that SOMEONE"....